Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Questions from Group meeting on 2/24

We talked about the following points and questions during our meeting on 2/24:
- The author seems to be a subject matter expert.
- We'd like to know more about the data mining process and how the author obtains his information to document in the book.
- Does he have a personal relationship with certain ISPs and/or websites?
- Certain websites have counters for how many visitors see their site. Does the author obtain that informaiton somehow??

We also talked about how to access this blog and write to it. And...we discussed that we do not want the blog entries to be simply summaries of the chapters. Although a summary of the chapter will be nice to document in the blog (i.e. put one in), we also need to be looking at what Dr. Lohrke handed out to us at the beginning of the semester and focus on some of those aspects.

Don't be afraid to ask open ended questions in the blog. And don't be afraid to post to answer someone's question. But, in the end, we'll try to get all the questions answered for the presentation. OR...if we don't answer them...they will be good questions for our book review (i.e. "these are things that we wanted to know from reading the book, but weren't told").

Happy "Clicking" and Reading!!!

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